Package rp1.rossum

Provides classes to be used as the basis of both the RP1 simulator and client applications.


Interface Summary
RsEncoder An incompletely implemented interface to describe encoders.
RsInterlock An interface used to support the RP1 interlock function.
RsLogInterface An interface for defining logging functions.
RsProtocolShutdownHandler A handler invoked when a client or server shuts down RP1 communications.
RsRunnable This interface, which is intended for RP1 internal use, extends the Java Runnable interface, adding methods that are used for dynamically loaded clients.

Class Summary
RsAccelerationParameter A class used to specify acceleration profiles.
RsAckermanSteering An actuator class representing the Ackerman steering locomotion systems.
RsActuator The abstract, base class for all actuator implementations.
RsBody The container class for defining a simulated robot.
RsBodyArt A class for composing non-interactive, render-only body parts.
RsBodyCircle A convenience class for creating circular body parts.
RsBodyContactSensor The sensor for detecting contact with other objects (a touch sensor).
RsBodyPainter The class that enables the robot to deposit paint trails in the simulation environment; a robot may have more than one of these.
RsBodyPaintSensor A sensor for detecting paint features in the simulated floor plan.
RsBodyPart The abstract base class for all body parts.
RsBodyRangeSensor The sensor for measuring distance to objects.
RsBodySensor The abstract base class for all sensor classes.
RsBodyShape A class for defining physical, interactive body parts for robot bodies.
RsBodyTargetSensor A sensor for detecting "target" objects in the simulated floor plan.
RsClient The main class for connecting a client-side application to the simulator.
RsColor A class providing static methods useful for translating color names.
RsComponent The abstract base class for all RP1 simulation objects, including body parts, motions, and walls and other floorplan features.
RsConnection A class used by the simulator to communicate with clients.
RsConnectionBodyHandler An abstract class intended for internal use in the RP1 simulator, RsConnectionBodyHandler defines methods for transferring RP1 robot body definitions.
RsDifferentialSteering An actuator class representing differential steering locomotion systems.
RsFeet A class for performing units conversions for values given in feet.
RsInches A class for performing units conversions for values given in inches.
RsLogger A deprecated class for logging.
RsMeters A class for performing units conversions for values given in meters.
RsMotion The abstract base class for all classes that model body trajectories.
RsMotionCircle The class used for modeling trajectories that follow a circular arc.
RsMotionDepiction A class used for obtaining instantaneous velocity and other state data for bodies in motion.
RsMotionLine The class used for modeling trajectories that follow a linear path.
RsMotionNull The class used for modeling stationary motions (stopped motions).
RsNavLink A floor-plan object used for modeling pre-programmed paths.
RsNavNode A floor-plan object usef for modeling pre-programmed path intersections.
RsObject The abstract base class for all floor-plan objects.
RsPaint A floor-plan object used for describing special regions within the floor plan or, simply, just for putting "paint" on the floor.
RsPlacement A floor-plan object giving named positions and orientations for the initial placement of robots.
RsPlan The main container class for floor-plans.
RsPoint A representation of a single point.
RsPolygon A representation of a polygon; this class is used by the simulator for collision analysis, placement determination, paint sensing, etc.
RsProperties An extension of the Java Properties class with some convenience functions for reading datatypes.
RsProtocol The base class for both RsClient and RsConnection, defines most of the protocol elements for RP1 communications.
RsRectangle A class used to represent rectangular regions using floating-point values, RsRectangle is used for analysis and graphics.
RsSegment A representation of a fixed-length line segment; this class is used by the server for analysis.
RsSegSect A class used to treat line intersections.
RsTarget A floor-plan object representing targets.
RsTransform A class for representing matrix-based transformation of object position and orientation, used for both modeling and graphics.
RsUnits An abstract base class for RsInches, RsMeters, and RsFeet.
RsVector A representation of a 2-element vector with a limited set of vector algebra operations; used for analysis.
RsWall A floor-plan object used to represent walls.
RsWheel A class used to represent wheels, generally stored in the collection elements of the RsWheelSystem.
RsWheelCaster A class used to represent caster wheels, generally stored in the collection elements of the RsWheelSystem.
RsWheelSystem This is the abstract base class for all locomotor classes.

Exception Summary
RsPolygonException An exception thrown when an application attempts to instantiate a RsPolygon with defective coordinates.
RsPropertiesException An exception thrown when invalidly formatted data is found in a RsProperties file.

Package rp1.rossum Description

Provides classes to be used as the basis of both the RP1 simulator and client applications. The key classes for client applications are RsClient, the RsBody classes, and the RsEvent classes (in package rp1.rossum.event). The RsConnection class is used by the RP1 simulator to accept communication from client applications when the connect to the simulator. The RsRequest classes (in package rp1.rossum.request) are used mainly for internal operations by are sometimes needed by client applications. A small, incomplete set of geometry operations are supported by classes such as RsPoint, RsVector, and RsPolygon. Motion is represented using RsMotion and its derived classes.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: